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Ohio State Taxes

Quick Tax Facts

  • income tax wallet icon Income Tax: 0% – 3.75%
  • sales tax - credit card icon State Sales Tax: 5.75%
  • property tax - house icon Median Property Tax: $1,836


Ohio is an often underrated state. Once described as “the most beautiful of the inland cities of the union” by Winston Churchill, Ohio not only offers stunning natural landscapes, but also one of the biggest school systems in the country. Housing is surprisingly affordable, too. Unfortunately, when it comes to taxes, Ohio doesn’t score high marks. Income taxes may seem low but sneaky municipal and school district income taxes can pack a punch!

Ohio Income Tax

Ohio has a progressive tax rate that ranges from 0% to 3.75%, regardless of your filing status. Those who earn less than $26,050 (2023) are not subject to income tax.

2023 Ohio Tax Rates
Ohio Taxable IncomeTax Rate
$0 – $26,0500%
$26,051 – $100,000$360.69 plus 2.750% of the amount over $26,050
$100,000 – $115,300$2,394.32 plus 3.688% of the amount over $100,000
over $115,300$2,958.58 plus 3.75% of the amount over $115,300

In addition to state income taxes, residents may also be hit with municipal and school district income taxes that can run as high as 3%.

Who Must File?

Full-year and part-year residents must file an Ohio income tax return (Ohio IT 1040). Nonresidents with Ohio-sourced income are also required to file. Those living in a reciprocal state (Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Michigan, or Pennsylvania) do not have to file if their only Ohio-sourced income is wages.

You do not have to file an Ohio income tax return if:

  • Your Ohio adjusted gross income is less than or equal to $0;
  • The total of your senior citizen credit, lump-sum distribution, and joint filing credit is equal to or exceeds your income liability and you are not liable for any school district income tax; or
  • Your exemption amount is the same as or more than your Ohio adjusted gross income and you have no amounts on your Schedule of Adjustments.

Ohio Sales Tax

Ohio has a state sales tax rate of 5.75%. Counties and regional transit authorities may levy additional sales and use taxes of up to 2.25%.

Ohio Property Taxes

Ohio’s effective annual property tax rate is approximately 1.52%, which is in the top 10 highest among the states. Since property values are lower than the national average, however, residents’ bills are still on the moderate side.

The median property tax bill in Ohio is approximately $1,836 (based on a median home value of $134,600). Delaware County has the highest property tax at an average of $3,732. The lowest amount is $692 in Monroe County.

Ohio Property Tax






Yearly Cost Per Resident

Ohio Tax Holidays

Ohio hosts an annual Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday each year starting on the first Friday in August and ending on the Sunday after it. For 2024, it will be held August 2-4. The following items are tax-exempt during the tax holiday:

  • Clothing priced at $75 or less per item
  • School supplies that are $20 or less per item
  • Instructional materials priced at $20 or less

Ohio Tax Resources

If you need assistance preparing your Ohio state taxes, you can speak with a tax professional from Tax Defense Network by calling 855-476-6920.

You can also visit the Ohio Department of Taxation website for additional resources.