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Wisconsin State Taxes

Quick Tax Facts

  • income tax wallet icon Income Tax: 3.50% – 7.65%
  • sales tax - credit card icon State Sales Tax: 5%
  • property tax - house icon Median Property Tax: $3,007


Wisconsin is known for its diverse landscape and adundance of outdoor activities. Residents also enjoy a thriving sports culture, including the Green Bay Packers (NFL). The cost of living is very reasonable in the state, but taxes can put a damper on life in the Badger State. Property taxes are some of the highest in the nation and income taxes lean toward the high end for some earners. On the bright side, sales taxes are modest.

Wisconsin Income Tax

Wisconsin’s individual income tax rates range from 3.50% to 7.65%, depending on the taxpayer’s income and filing status.

2023 Wisconsin Income Tax Rates Single or Head of Household
If taxable income is:The tax is:
Not over $13,8103.50% of taxable income
Over $13,810 but not over $27,630$483.35 plus 4.4% on income over $13,810
Over $27,630 but not over $304,170$1,091.43 plus 5.3% on income over $27,630
Over $304,170$15,748.05 plus 7.65% on income over $304,170
2023 Wisconsin Income Tax Rates – Married Filing Separately
If taxable income is:The tax is:
Not over $9,2103.50% of taxable income
Over $9,210 but not over $18,420$322.35 plus 4.4% on income over $9,210
Over $18,420 but not over $202,780$727.59 plus 5.3% on income over $18,420
Over $202,780$10,498.67 plus 7.65% on income over $202,780
2023 Wisconsin Income Tax Rates – Married Filing Jointly
If taxable income is:The tax is:
Not over $18,4203.50% of taxable income
Over $18,420 but not over $36,840$644.70 plus 4.4% on income over $18,420
Over $36,840 but not over $405,550$1,455.18 plus 5.3% on income over $36,840
Over $405,550$20,996.81 plus 7.65% on income over $405,550

Who Must File?

Taxpayers who meet the requirements listed in the chart below are required to file a Wisconsin state income tax return.

Filing StatusAge at the End of the YearFull-Year Residents Gross IncomePart-Year/Nonresidents Gross Income
SingleUnder age 65$13,460 or more$2,000 or more
SingleAge 65+$13,710 or more$2,000 or more
Married Filing JointlyBoth spouses under 65  $25,020 or more$2,000 or more
One spouse 65+$25,270 or more
Both spouses 65+$25,520 or more
Married Filing SeparatelyUnder 65$11,920 or more (each spouse – must use Form 1)$2,000 or more (combined income of both spouses)
65+$12,170 or more (each spouse – must use Form 1)
Head of HouseholdUnder 65$17,180 or more$2,000 or more
65+$17,430 or more

Those who can be claimed as a dependent on another taxpayer’s return are also required to file if either of the following applies:

  1. They have gross income of more than $1,150 and it includes at least $401 of unearned (non-wage) income, or
  2. They have gross income of more than:
    • $12,760 (single)
    • $23,620 (married filing jointly)
    • $11,220 (married filing separately)
    • $16,480 (head of household)

Wisconsin Sales Tax

Wisconsin has a state sales tax rate of 5%. Counties may levy an additional sales tax of .5%. The majority of counties impose a combined sales tax rate of 5.5%. Manitowoc, Racine, Waukesha, and Winnebago Counties do not levy a county sales tax.

Wisconsin Property Taxes

Wisconsin levies one of the highest tax rates in the country. It collects an average of 1.76% of a property’s assessed value as tax per year.

The median property tax in Wisconsin is $3,007. Dane County has the highest average property tax at $4,149, while Iron County has the lowest at $1,520.

Wisconsin Property Tax






Yearly Cost Per Resident

Wisconsin Tax Holidays

There are no sales tax holidays scheduled in Wisconsin at this time.

Wisconsin Tax Resources

If you need assistance preparing your Wisconsin state taxes, you can speak with a tax professional from Tax Defense Network by calling 855-476-6920.

You can also visit the Wisconsin Department of Revenue website for additional resources.