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Wyoming State Taxes

Quick Tax Facts

  • income tax wallet icon Income Tax: 0%
  • sales tax - credit card icon State Sales Tax: 4%
  • property tax - house icon Median Property Tax: $1,058


Wyoming is home to Yellowstone National Park, as well as pristine mountain ranges and sweeping plains. If outdoor activities are what you desire, there is no shortage here. Residents also enjoy an affordable cost of living and lower-than-average home prices. Although the natural beauty may be one of the state’s biggest draws, the favorable tax landscape is also alluring. There is no state income tax and other taxes are also very low.

Wyoming Income Tax

Wyoming does not have an individual state income tax, nor does it have a corporate income tax.

Wyoming Sales Tax

Wyoming has a state sales tax rate of 4%. Additionally, local and optional taxes (up to 2%) may be assessed if approved by the residents.

Wyoming Property Taxes

Wyoming’s property tax rates are fairly modest when compared to other states. On average, .58% of a property’s assessed value is collected as property tax each year.

The median property tax in Wyoming is $1,058. Teton County has the highest average property tax at $3,496, while Weston County has the lowest at $579.

Wyoming Property Tax






Yearly Cost Per Resident

Wyoming Tax Holidays

At this time, there are no sales tax holidays scheduled in the state.

Wyoming Tax Resources

If you have additional questions regarding Wyoming taxes, please visit the Wyoming Department of Revenue website.