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Tax Withholding Calculator

Don’t get an unexpected tax surprise. Use the IRS Tax Withholding Calculator to ensure you have the right amount withheld from your paycheck.

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When To Use the Tax Withholding Calculator

It’s always a good idea to perform a paycheck checkup at the beginning of a new tax year. If you pay too little throughout the year, you could end up with an unexpected tax bill or penalties when you file next year. There are also other good reasons why you may want to change your withholding, including:


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Before You Begin

Before you use the IRS Tax Withholding Calculator, be sure to have the following items on hand:

  • Most recent pay stubs

  • Information on other sources of income

  • Most recent income tax return

Please keep in mind that the results are only as accurate as of the information you provide. If you need to update your withholding, you will need to complete a new Form W-4 and submit it to your employer as soon as possible.

Ready to Begin?